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We must wage war against evil to attain freedom from suffering and mastery over oneself.

This war is one of its kind because the evil that we must conquer resides within ourselves. And man’s greatest attainment on earth is the CONQUEST OF ONESELF.

In St. Paul’s letter to the Romans (7:15-20), he speaks about being a captive and a slave to sin.

“15. For I do things that I do not understand. for I do not do the good that I want to do. But the evil that I hate is what I do.
16 So, when I do what I do not want to do, I am in agreement with the law, that the law is good.
17 But I am then acting not according to the law, but according to the sin which lives within me.
18 For I know that what is good does not live within me, that is, within my flesh. For the willingness to do good lies close to me, but the carrying out of that good, I cannot reach.
19 For I do not do the good that I want to do. But instead, I do the evil that I do not want to do.
20 Now if I do what I am not willing to do, it is no longer I who am doing it, but the sin which lives within me.”

Your DECISION TO ENGAGE IN BATTLE AGAINST EVIL separates you from those condemned to enslavement and captivity to sin.
In this battle, you need to take side. If you don’t, your alliance, by default, is the flesh.

Conversion is a change of heart. Just DECIDE TO ENGAGE IN THE FIGHT. The inpouring of grace to fuel your action comes next. Your DECISION TO ENGAGE IN THE FIGHT AGAINST EVIL is the only secret to victory. THERE IS NO OTHER.

With your every step, God approaches you with a hundred steps, because He knows that man cannot scale the heights towards Him.
Only the initial effort is difficult. The more you engage in this battle, the easier it will become.

When you commit the same error, when you succumb to temptation, your decision is half-hearted. You did not make any change of heart. Half-heartedness is the in-dwelling of the “devil in disguise” within. The devil retains his stronghold in you.

The following will help you along the way:
1) Practice remembrance of God for 3 seconds every hour with a feeling of gratitude and love.
2) Recite the Peace Prayer of St. Francis 3 times a day. Remember that sincere prayers are transformative.
3) Find a way to do acts of charity every single day. Every time you do, you affirm that you are not the selfish ego.
4) Join 8:00 PM-8:20 PM Manila Time Praying the Rosary Movement nightly