Who is ready for the GREAT CHANGE?
It promises a New Heaven and a New Earth.
For it to unfold, the old earth and the old ways must come to pass.
Who is ready for the GREAT CHANGE?
It promises a New Heaven and a New Earth.
For it to unfold, the old earth and the old ways must come to pass.
One should pray the Holy Rosary with the “feeling of devotion and love of God in the heart.”
Responding to objections to the Rosary, Pope Paul VI made it clear that the rosary is an excellent introduction and a faithful echo of the liturgy, enabling people to participate fully and interiorly in it and to reap its fruits in their daily lives.
8PRM THE ANGEL OF THE APOCALYPSE Image credit to the owner For illustration purposes only No copyright infringement intended The life of St. Vincent Ferrer, OP is one rich source of guidance and inspiration. He earned the title “the Angel of the Apocalypse” for preaching the Gospel of the coming of the Antichrist and the Continue reading
8PRM Padre Pio on THREE DAYS OF DARKNESS Image credit to the owner For illustration purposes only No copyright infringement intended Allow me to print verbatim Padre Pio’s revelation on the THREE DAYS OF DARKNESS, the “(From translation of a copy of a personal letter written by Padre Pio addressed to the Commission of Heroldsbach Continue reading
St. Malachy was an Archbishop of Armagh, Northern Ireland, to whom were attributed several miracles and an alleged vision of 112 popes later attributed to the apocryphal Prophecy of the Popes.
Prayer and Sacrifice are the two noblest acts of a Catholic. Let us revive the spirit of prayer in our lives.
St. Thomas Aquinas was mocked by his classmates as the “dumb ox of Sicily”. He was a big man, like an ox, and was always dumb silent in class discussions. One time a tricky question was laid by the professor that no one can resolve. Here he presented a very clear treatise that the difficult problem appeared easy.
Pope St. Pius V attributed the victory of the Christian forces at the Battle of Lepanto on October 7, 1571 to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. That victory inspired him to establish October 7 as the Feast day of Our Lady of Victory (later more popularly known as Our Lady of the Rosary).
There are two sides in a political upheaval: the opposing factions championing their cause behind political motives.
St. Paul prophesied in 2 Peter 3:10 “But the day of the Lord will come as the thief of the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat: both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.”