8:00 PM - 8:20 PM Manila Time
Praying the Rosary Movement

We need 10 million Catholics to participate in our simultaneous recitation of the Holy Rosary daily from 8:00 PM-8:20 PM Manila Time for PROTECTION from DISEASES, DANGERS, ACCIDENTS, NATURAL DISASTERS & UNTIMELY DEATH of ourselves, our loved ones and the whole Philippines.


St. Bernadette of Our Lady of Lourdes

St. Bernadette, the visionary of Our Lady of Lourdes had a life full of suffering. Doubts and derisions about authenticity of her vision comes first from her own family, and then from her own community, and then from the Church investigators.

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The prophecy of Simeon; the flight into Egypt; the losing of the Holy Child at Jerusalem; the meeting with Jesus on His way to Calvary; standing at the foot of the Cross; our Lord being taken from the Cross; and the burial of Christ, ARE THE SEVEN SORROWS of the Blessed Mother, which figuratively represent the troubles that beset humanity.

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Pope St. Pius V attributed the victory of the Christian forces at the Battle of Lepanto on October 7, 1571 to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. That victory inspired him to establish October 7 as the Feast day of Our Lady of Victory (later more popularly known as Our Lady of the Rosary).

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